Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 2 - Safety Presentation (social media marketing series)

Though this section on creating your social media policy is short and sweet, but please pay more attention to it than you do to the flight attendants’ safety presentation. (I know you’re usually already knee-deep on your Skymall wish list… “Exit rows are WHERE?”).

Get these key individuals involved in creating your policy:
  • Representative from legal department
  • Compliance officer
  • Social media coordinator
  • Corporate communications and/or marketing director and team
  • Information technology team (they will bring up technical issues you may not have considered)
  • Human resources director

Don’t fret: you don’t have to create the entire policy from scratch. Most likely, there are already preexisting communications policies and standards your company has set in place. See your employee handbook or manual to reference these. Otherwise, here is an example of a document detailing terms of use, as well as a social media policy template that I’ve already created.

Where It Should Go
Once created, edited and finalized by all involved departments, make sure your social media policy and terms of agreement are easily accessible via the company’s intranet, as well as included in the handbook. Upon creation, it would be a good idea to send an all-employee email outlining the policy, and requiring every employee to electronically sign and submit a form confirming they have read, understand, and agree to comply with all company social media policy and terms of use.

Time to belt in for the fun part!

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