Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 5 - Cruising Altitude (final destination of the social media marketing series)

You’ve done it, and now you’re cruising along nicely with this new business-making, relationship-building beast you’ve created using social media. (Admit it: you kind of feel like a pro right now).

Where are the millions of new customers?
Guess what: you’re not going to cause business to skyrocket just because you’ve learned some new tricks. Building relationships and a more visible brand name for yourself takes time. Instead of feeling disappointed if you don’t get instant results, focus on nurturing and inspiring the social media/network connections you already have. After all, it costs 3-5 (as much as 10-12) times as much to gain a new customer as it is to keep an old one.

Tips As You Cruise
  • Catch dissatisfied customers early and make sure their issues are addressed and/or appeased
  • Post on a regular basis; don’t allow lulls in activity
  • Keep a constant eye out for new technology, resources and ideas
  • Tailor your traditional print and marketing materials to direct traffic back to your new social media landing places
  • Track your progress, visibility, traffic, etc.
Tools for Tracking
Want to see how your posts are doing? Use these sites to get a better idea of what’s working, what isn’t, and what other companies are doing successfully that you could customize and mimic. 
Track your company name and brand online with:
Here comes the stewardess: treat yourself to an overpriced cocktail.


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